I will be adding more Ginger testimonials I find, email your ginger story to
I am not proud of this story, but I will share it anyway. Sunday afternoon, I was walking past the bus stop construction at the Silver Spring Metro, and this man started calling “Hey, Beautiful! Hey, Beautiful!” I ignored him and kept walking, and he turned around and ran up to me and said “Hey, I have a question for you. Are you a natural redhead?”

(As a natural redhead, this isn’t the first time I’ve heard this question in a sketchy manner, and I knew what the followup question would be.)

I kept walking. He persisted, and finally I told him to go to hell, but he continued. “So, if you’re a natural redhead, is everything red?” he asked, gesturing towards my crotch. I told him to get the hell out of here, and went to pull out my cell phone to take a picture of him for this site. He reached for me and I freaked and swung the back of my hand at him, smacking him on the shoulder.

Not the best idea. I know. I thought he was going for my breasts, and I freaked.

He laughed it off and said “You know I could call the cops on you? You know that’s illegal, right?” I just kept walking, very shaken, both at what had happened and at my reaction. Thankfully, he just kept walking to the metro.

Submitted by Anonymous